The Possibilities with Biotech Limb and Brace | Birmingham, AL

Recognize Your Possibilities with a Prosthesis

Written by BioTech Possibilities | Feb 1, 2016 7:44:44 PM

If you are new to limb loss, the transition can be hard--but you can recognize your possibilities with BioTech! Maximize your experience with orthotic and prosthetic devices by following these simple tips.

#1: Clean and Care Properly

Cleaning your prosthesis can be tedious, but it is a vital part of caring for your device. First, use a towel to apply baby powder to the inside of the device, reducing moisture after wear. As for your residual limb, check every day for irritation and bruises. To help protect your limb after limb loss and reduce swelling while you sleep, you can wear a comfort socket.

#2: Wear Your Prosthesis Daily

If you are new to prosthetic technology, wearing your device daily may seem uncomfortable and awkward at first. However, the more you wear your prosthesis, the more you will get used to it. Soon, you’ll see an improvement in your functionality, and your device won’t feel quite so foreign.

#3: Eat and Exercise

Managing your diet is important, especially when it comes to regaining strength in your muscles. Stronger muscles help you regulate your gait, so give them the nutrients they need!

In addition to eating well, you need to exercise regularly. Your professional physical therapist can suggest a tailored exercise routine that fits your life and your needs. A sedentary lifestyle is not recommended, as it can result in an increased BMI and discomfort due to your residual limb fitting poorly into your prosthesis.

#4: Forward Focus

Getting used to wearing a new prosthetic device can be physically and emotionally overwhelming. Keep your head up! With a little patience, plus the help of caring professionals, you will be on the right path in no time.

BioTech Limb and Brace Will Get You There!

Recognize your possibilities with BioTech Limb and Brace in Birmingham, Alabama. Our passionate staff delivers excellent service and quality treatment solutions. Learn more about BioTech. Contact our team today!