The Possibilities with Biotech Limb and Brace | Birmingham, AL

Pregnant with a Prosthesis? No Problem!

Written by BioTech Possibilities | May 4, 2017 4:16:42 PM

There are many concerns when dealing with pregnancy, and having a prosthesis can add a couple more. While many people go through this particular situation, there is not an excess of information available about it -- so we wanted to provide some answers. Read on!


A major concern is your prosthesis fitting properly as you gain weight later in the pregnancy. This can lead to a tight socket, which causes sores and cuts. It is important to meet with your prosthetist to discuss the best option for you.

Having a socket made of flexible material, like the BioTech Comfort Socket System, that can adapt to your body throughout the pregnancy is crucial and should be a top priority. If you have a hard time finding this or you are not comfortable in your socket, talk to your prosthetist about getting a larger socket. It may be a bit too big at first, but find one that you will grow into later in the pregnancy. In some situations, you may not feel comfortable wearing your prosthesis in the last few months. If this happens, then crutches or a wheelchair can be used for transportation.


Preparing for the actual moment of childbirth can feel overwhelming, but it is important to remember to stay calm and collected. You can choose whether or not to wear your prosthesis. Many people choose not to so as to keep their prosthesis and liner clean, but you should do whatever makes you feel more relaxed.

You can always clean your prosthesis afterwards, if that is what feels best. If you are worried about your residual limb being in pain or a doctor/nurse accidentally hitting a sensitive spot, ask to have a loved one hold your leg. If they do not already know your sensitive areas, make sure to communicate with them before.


Becoming a parent while having a prosthesis can be nerve-wracking at times. Baths, car rides, and changing diapers can be overly difficult if you are not prepared. It helps to get creative with the supplies around you. While changing diapers, for example, find a way to keep your child’s feet up. This could be with cloth or another device that allows you to focus on the cleaning and changing process. When it comes to baths, it may help to find a specialized chair that allows the baby to sit in the water while you wash.

Let BioTech Help You Prepare!

If you are nervous about your pregnancy and parenthood, let us know and we will help find the right equipment and classes for you. This is an exciting time, and while being prepared is important, you must remember that you have the support and strength to excel and begin raising your family! Contact us today for more information.