The Possibilities with Biotech Limb and Brace | Birmingham, AL

How Can I Regain Confidence After Limb Loss?

Written by BioTech Possibilities | Feb 16, 2017 3:24:12 PM

After limb loss, the journey back to your confidence can seem like a twisting, rocky path. But it’s a journey worth taking, and BioTech has 3 tips to help you regain confidence after limb loss!

Tip #1: Think Positive

Okay, we know – this one sounds too simple and cliché. But here’s the thing – scientists have actually discovered that positive and negative thoughts have totally different pathways through your brain. Without getting into the nitty gritty details, positive thoughts must be filtered before they are processed, whereas negative thoughts have a green light without filters. That means you’re not the only one whose thoughts go negative first – and it takes actual effort to think in a positive way.

Tip #2: Challenge Yourself and Make Goals

Sitting around all day thinking about how un-confident you feel isn’t going to change a thing! Instead, try setting some attainable goals for yourself and stretching your abilities a little bit each day. Achieving things, and feeling like you have made progress, will go a long way in increasing your self-confidence and your positive outlook on the future!

Tip #3: Think about the Root of Your Confidence Issues

Even after you start to feel more confident, you’ll probably have days where you fall into a “funk.” That’s normal for anyone, not just people with limb loss! But if it lasts longer than you think it should, try to pinpoint the cause of it. What are you believing about yourself? What are you thinking about others’ opinions of you? Is there an action step you need to take – something as simple as getting out of the house, or something as radical as switching careers? Consider the source of why you’re feeling down, and then think about how you might make a positive change.

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Whether you’re looking for an expedited fitting for your prosthetic device, or you just need someone to answer a few questions, BioTech is always ready to treat you like family. Contact us today for more information on how we can help you recognize all the possibilities in your life!