The Possibilities with Biotech Limb and Brace | Birmingham, AL

Getting Started with CrossFit as an Amputee

Written by BioTech Possibilities | Feb 9, 2017 4:00:47 PM

If you’re interested in CrossFit, you may be feeling a strange mixture of intrigue and intimidation. Will the other CrossFitters accept you? Will the trainers be able to help you? How are you even going to do this?!

While everyone’s experiences are different, it is possible to start CrossFit after limb loss – and to find the courage to get active again!

Determine Your Goals

Before you actually go to a CrossFit gym, give them a call and explain your situation. The coaches will ask you about what you think you can do, what you are struggling with, and what you are looking to get out of your CrossFit experience.

Here are some ideas for goals to get you started:

  •      Be able to stand for a certain amount of time without pain
  •      Improve balance and control
  •     Walk without limping

Obviously, these goals are great for those who are using a leg prosthesis, but your goals may be different. Come up with a few goals that make sense for you, and communicate them to the coaches.

Go with a Positive Outlook

CrossFit bills itself as inclusive, not exclusive. There are multiple ways to adapt every movement so that people with and without limb loss, young people and older people, can all work out together doing the same exercises in a variety of forms and intensities.

Don’t do something you feel legitimately uncomfortable with, but do try to step outside of your comfort zone as much as possible. Doing something that requires you to be brave will help you develop confidence in your abilities, regardless of how many limbs you have!

Always ask questions if you don’t feel comfortable with one of the movements or if you feel like you need a different adaptation. The coaches are there to help you, and they want you to succeed!

Make sure you celebrate the small wins and the bigger accomplishments. If you stick with it and trust your coaches, CrossFit can be a great way to get back into physical activity and feel better!

BioTech Can Help You Meet Your Fitness Goals

We’re experts on all things prosthetic, which means when it comes to helping you regain your confidence as an athlete, we are ready to do whatever it takes to get you there! Whether it’s exploring CrossFit options, checking out a different type of gym, or working out at home, BioTech can give you the advice you’re looking for. Contact us today for more information!