The Possibilities with Biotech Limb and Brace | Birmingham, AL

Everyday Tools to Improve the Prosthetic Experience

Written by BioTech Possibilities | Nov 2, 2017 2:46:17 PM

Prosthetic devices continue to make drastic improvements with each new year, but no matter how sophisticated they become, there are still simple everyday tools that can improve inconveniences like prosthetic limb irritation and nighttime mobility. Whether they are used on the device itself or in the environment around the user, there are thousands of little life hacks to greatly improve the entire experience.


Between long days, emergency situations, and nighttime needs, crutches are pretty important to have around. However, the crutches most of us think of are no longer the only options for those who’ve experienced limb loss. There are many more options available now, and designers and entrepreneurs have created crutches based on specific needs they have noticed. Want crutches with great hand grips? How about SideStix Crutches, which allow you to become much more active? We think they’re a great option.

Bike Hex Wrench

This tool is easy to carry and greatly improves your ability to adjust prosthetic alignment while out and about. They are very affordable, with an average price below $10, and the convenience they provide will have you wondering what you did before you got one!

Shoe Horns

Anyone with a leg prosthesis can attest to the difficulty of trying to put on a shoe. Shoe horns are great for the home, but it’s important to have them elsewhere, as well! Keep one nearby as often as possible, and avoid spending time stressing over getting your shoe on.


Placing handrails in necessary areas throughout your house will make your everyday experience much easier, while also providing more stability for visitors! They are also a generally cheap home improvement project and can be taken as an opportunity to spruce up your home a little.

Ask BioTech for Help!

Since our founding in 2000, we’ve made it our priority to make every part of the prosthetic experience as comfortable as possible. Whether you’re seeking consultation, a better prosthesis, or you have questions about improving your daily well-being, we are ready and available to help you turn disabilities into possibilities! Contact us today for more information.