The Possibilities with Biotech Limb and Brace | Birmingham, AL

Entering a New Year with Limb Loss

Written by BioTech Possibilities | Dec 30, 2016 2:08:14 PM

It’s a new year – but when you’re entering a new year with limb loss for the first time, what can you expect? You may be feeling like there’s nothing “happy” about the new year at all - or perhaps you’re sitting at the other side of the extreme, determined to get back to normal life before January is even over.

As 2017 gets off to a start, we’ve got some tips for you that can make this new year a happy one. Read on to find out more!

Make Self-Care a Priority

No matter how you’re feeling about the loss of your limb, taking care of yourself can be hard for lots of reasons. If you’re feeling down, you may not feel like doing anything, including self-care. On the other hand, if you’re feeling super optimistic and ready to get the ball rolling on a full recovery, you may not take enough time to focus on yourself and your needs!

Take a moment to assess how you feel. Hopeful? Dreary? Energized? Sluggish? Understanding your current emotional state is the key to knowing how to proceed. Regardless of where you fall on the emotional spectrum, take a day or two for processing your thoughts and feelings. Prepare your favorite meal, spend some time journaling, finally get around to reading that book you’ve had laying around forever. Then, once you’re in a peaceful state of mind, consider the year ahead.

Visualize Your Future Self

Where do you want to be in December? What are some realistic, fulfilling goals you can set? Write them down and make a plan to celebrate the small accomplishments you’ll achieve this year on your way to your ideal end-of-year goal.

For example, if you’re hoping to be comfortable and skilled with your leg prosthesis at some point this year, make that your ultimate goal – and then create sub-goals that will help you get there. Start by making sure your prosthesis fits perfectly. Then, with the help of the professionals at BioTech, start learning to walk on it. Celebrate every step, every set of stairs climbed, every downhill slope navigated. You can do this, and with the right attitude, you will!

Call BioTech for Help and Advice

Who says you can’t make New Year’s resolutions just because you’ve lost a limb? There are plenty of goals to make and accomplishments to dominate, and BioTech is here to help you reach them. Whether you’re looking for help with your prosthesis or you just need someone to talk to, contact us today – we’re not satisfied until you feel ready to conquer the world!