The Possibilities with Biotech Limb and Brace | Birmingham, AL

Creating the Perfect Diet After Limb Loss

Written by BioTech Possibilities | Nov 9, 2017 3:50:41 PM

Maintaining a proper diet is important for everyone, but for those who’ve experienced limb loss, it’s truly life changing. Not only does a healthy diet make gait training and other challenges easier, but eating poorly can create life-threatening problems. However, staying healthy is easier said than done, and finding the right foods for the body can be difficult. Let’s discuss some recommended methods of keeping a healthy diet after limb loss.


First and foremost, stay away from fast and unhealthy foods. While this sounds like obvious advice, it’s a challenge for many of us! Next, add some variety to your plate - and make it a balanced meal. Make it a goal for half of your plate to be fruits and vegetables, a quarter protein, and a quarter starches. Remember, protein doesn’t have to be meat. Beans and lentils are among the many replacements you can use.

There are also specific foods that improve the wound-healing process. This includes protein, carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and certain vitamins and minerals. These allow you to receive the necessary nutrients for a much more efficient healing process.


An important truth to face after limb loss is that your calorie intake will change. This means that your portions will need to be smaller, and snacking will have to be reduced. There will also need to be a focus on reducing the amount of food eaten due to stress, boredom, anger, and other stimuli. Eating slowly gives your body time to tell you it’s full, so take your time and enjoy your meal. It’s better to be comfortably full then overly stuffed.


Preparing healthy meals is very important for continuing positive progress with your diet. Not having to make a meal every time you’re hungry eliminates one of the biggest obstacles of improved eating! Whenever you cook, make more than you need and freeze some for future dinners. We all get tired after work, and having an easy option ready to go gets rid of the unhealthy temptation to order fast food.

BioTech Can Help

Our years of experience have allowed us to see what works best for those with limb loss. We are experts in everything from diet to exercise, and much more! Make sure you’re getting the most out of your prosthetic experience, and let the BioTech team provide the best path to a long and healthy life. Contact us today for more information.