The Possibilities with Biotech Limb and Brace | Birmingham, AL

Awesome Hand Prostheses in Movies

Written by BioTech Possibilities | Jul 28, 2016 7:31:54 PM

#1: Ash’s Chainsaw Hand in Evil Dead 2

This over-the-top prosthetic device that replaces Ash’s hand is delightfully unbelievable -- and even more delightfully handy when it comes to killing hordes of undead. We’re not totally sure how practical it’d be in everyday life, unless you were a lumberjack, in which case it might make you the most efficient lumberjack in the world!

#2: Edward Scissorhands’ … Well, Scissor Hands, in Edward Scissorhands

Coming in a very close second to the chainsaw are the twin collections of rusty blades Edward uses as hand prostheses in the movie Edward Scissorhands. They might seem a bit hard to control, but Edward manages to make them look downright graceful, especially when he’s ice-sculpting.

#3: The Captain’s Hook in Hook

You had to see this one coming! There might not be a more famous prosthesis in the world than Captain Hook’s famed hook-hand. What’s more, there might not be a catchier prosthesis-themed title than Hook. Again, it might not be the most practical hand prosthesis ever (how in the world do you grip things?), but Hook’s hook is certainly a cultural icon.

#4: Mr. Igoe’s Entire Wardrobe of Hands in Innerspace

When one hand prosthesis just won’t do, the only option is to have a whole collection of them. Mr. Igoe has a wide variety of hands to choose from, including one that shoots bullets and another that doubles as a flamethrower. The possibilities are endless!

#5: Wolverine’s Claws in X-Men

Okay, this might be a bit of a stretch as far as the word “prosthesis” goes, but Wolverine’s retractable claws are the definition of awesome! They’re easy to stow away when you don’t need them (although it can’t exactly be comfortable to have ten-inch blades lodged somewhere inside your forearm), they’re basically indestructible, and they’re the clear winner when it comes to dropping jaws.

Need a Functional Upper Extremity Prosthesis? Call BioTech!

Listen, we’d all like to be Wolverine, but when it comes to real-life hand prostheses, retractable claws aren’t as cool as they look!

If you're in need of an upper extremity prosthesis (or any other prosthesis), BioTech is the place for you. We offer pre-amputation consultations, immediate postoperative prostheses, and expedited fittings for out-of-town patients -- plus so much more. Contact us today!