The Possibilities with Biotech Limb and Brace | Birmingham, AL

3 Ways to Challenge Yourself and Achieve Your Goals after Limb Loss

Written by BioTech Possibilities | Mar 23, 2017 4:39:34 PM

After you lose a limb, you may feel like all the goals you had set for yourself are no longer viable. The truth, though, is that there’s usually a way to continue with your passions and dreams, even after an amputation. Read on!

Goal Adaptation

Let’s say your goal was to climb Mount Everest this year, but now you’re a double leg amputee and you feel like the dream is impossible. Maybe, instead of giving up altogether, you adapt your goal to fit your new situation.

Instead of climbing Mount Everest this year, give yourself a few years to get more comfortable with leg prostheses and work your way up to Mount Everest. Start with a small mountain and see how it goes. Then try a slightly larger one. Always keep a friend or two with you, and make sure you have all the necessary gear to do this successfully – and before you know it, you’ll be tackling your dream mountain as a double amputee!

New Goals

Limb loss actually opens up a whole new world of potential goals. Now, whatever you do, you’ll be doing it as an amputee – and you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish and how many people admire your persistence.

If your former goal seems too unlikely now, or you’re just not feeling inspired by it anymore, who says you can’t pick a new one? Take up something that interests you and feels more manageable, and then come back to your old goal in the future if you decide you want to!

Former Impossibilities Are Now Possible!

Always wanted to be a motivational speaker, but you never had a platform? Now you do! Consider all the things you weren’t a good candidate for before your limb loss, and then think about whether your amputation has changed that. People who overcome great challenges have lots of opportunities for speaking engagements, school involvement, and even new career paths.

Once you start recognizing all your possibilities, you’ll be setting and achieving goals in no time!

Need Advice for Setting Goals after Limb Loss? Call BioTech!

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